243 Albany Avenue
Kingston, NY 12401

Rabbi Yael Romer DD
Cantorial Soloist Alexandra Schleuderer
Rabbinic Intern Jack Sherratt
Cantor Emeritus Bob Cohen
Zimet Jewish Learning Adventure Director Jonathan Billig

Mission Statement

What a Jewish Community can be! CEHV is the voice of Reform Judaism in the Hudson Valley. We embrace the social and ethical ideals that once and still animate the Reform Movement. Here you’ll find that spirituality is not something you can quantify, it is something we are on a daily basis.

Message from Our Spiritual Leader

Congregation Emanuel of the Hudson Valley is a vibrant Reform multi-generational Jewish community committed to progressive Jewish life. It is our privilege to offer learning, programming, celebrations and services for every stage of life. We take pride in our spectacular early childhood Tot Shabbat program, our extraordinary Jewish Learning Adventure for school aged children, our rich ongoing Adult learning, and our spiritual meaningful communal Shabbat and Holiday observance and celebrations. We value Jewish expression that reflects who we strive to be in the world. Our synagogue prioritizes nurturing community and as a community we are committed to ongoing engagement in Tikun Olam programming. All of our services, programs, and observances integrate our commitment to diversity, inclusivity and egalitarian values. Our doors and our hearts are open to all who chose to participate.

As the rabbi of CEHV I am proud to share that we are shaping a Jewish community that reflects our best values and is a congregation that we and our loved ones can be a part of, grow, share and celebrate the Sabbath, Holidays and the important moments of our lives.


  • Zimet Jewish Learning Adventure
    • Pre-K through Confirmation (10th)
  • Classes with Rabbi Yael
  • Intro to Judaism
  • Hebrew Trope
  • Conversational Hebrew
  • Meditation & Torah Study

Streams of Judaism

  • Reform